For my bottle redesign, I have chosen an Argentine malbec that is distributed by Lost Vineyards. This company's goals are to seek out and sell wines from little known vineyards around the globe. They current sell wines from five different countries. Using what only could be described as a Pirates of the Caribbean theme, their bottles follow an established template regardless of the wine's country of origin or type. I understand what they are trying to do. They are a low cost wine distribution company that have latched on to the theme of "lost treasure" and ran with it. For my eyes, though, their design is kind of embarrassing and ugly.
For my design, I have decided to revisit the basic idea of what Lost Vineyards does. They discover or rediscover these vineyards. "Lost" is a misleading term. My design will be centered around discovery, with the wine being a jumping off point for learning about the country/region. The idea is to imbue the design with a sense of history and culture.
For the actual physical aspects of the design, I believe that I am taking a fairly traditional route. The package will be a four sided, vertical box. My labels will be printed on an off-white or creme paper with a toothy texture. I think there's something really beautiful in the simplicity of this.