Sunday, September 26, 2010


Here's some ideas for the masthead redesign of the Herb Companion.

I'm going to shorten the name to just Herb.

The colored bar is going to start on the back cover about an 1-2 inches from the spine and wrap over the spine to the front cover. It will end around 1-2 inches from the right side of the front cover.

I think I have decided to use a green and brown combination, although I don't know if it stands out enough.....hence the red/white combination.

I'm leaning heavily towards the first masthead....i think it looks fantastico.


1 comment:

  1. I like the first two- but particularly the first one! Legibility for the cover of a magazine is perfect. It's clean simple and straight to the point... also, changing the colors will not be a problem either. The last three, on the other hand, are too frilly for the type of magazine that you are doing.
